Very interesting beginning, fresh and interesting, very good first impression to the listener!
Good staccato chord leads you put there, same goes for pads and sweeps! Nice decision to put "intro drums" to keep variety at 0:20. As for the voices, well made, all of them are in tone, they don't sound "tense" or forced, and there's no white noise in the recording of it! Very good aswell! :D
BOOM! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, this is something that makes Dubsteps, well, "dubsteps" haha, the classic "explosion" at 0:31. Nice saws and leads, they sound pretty well mixed, the saw doesn't overshadow the lead, and viceversa; i like how the saws sounds agressive, yet they are so warm it doesn't hurt your ears, just like a sharp blade used incredibly accurate (again, my respect to the mastering!). The chord progression is very creative! I was thinking it was starting to get repetitive, but then...
...Bam! chord progression changed at 1:04, nice move of your part! Good "bell" sounds to introduce the other chord progression (1 minute and yet, the atmosphere of the song sounds diverse!). Pads pads pads! Good good good mixing there, you didn't lose it yet! :D
Juicy way to go back to first chord progression, i say the same thing as 0:06-0:29. :P When it came close to 1:57 i thought: "well, back to the first progression", but NO! Because...
...You didn't start it as the first one! And well done in the drums! Implementing real drum sounds was a nice move, also new chord progressions appearing... Not repetitive at all!
What else i can say here? I'm crying of joy :'D
Let me explain how this part felt, it's like a refreshing bucket of cold water in a very very VERY sunny and hot day. Good "somewhat 8-bit sound thingy" lead you used there. And wait, is that a piano i hear there? Give this man a cookie!
"Hold the brakes drums!" Haha i like how the drums stop here. I feel like entering a huge and large heavenly passage as this part starts (thanks to pads). Freshy ending, that fade-out outro makes you "levitate" in your imagination, perfect, just perfect!
Nice mastering, nice vocals, nice song! This song motivated me to do a serious review of it, i added it to favs! So yeah, ZERO! (Just kidding). I agree with what LunyAlex said: "Intimidating NGADM'14 submission." I hope you the best for this contest!
5/5 :P